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I wonder how some of these buds and berries and seeds look now that fall has come. I took the above pictures of plants and things last May while we were on vacation in California with my SIL's (E's) Digital Rebel. There were two afternoons of walking, bending, lying on sidewalks, my contorted sweaty experimental (mostly) non-sexual bliss. I tell you. Heavenly.
When I dream of what I'd really like to do with my time these days, almost always I dream of taking pictures, outside.
Lately, I've also felt the strong urge to take more pictures of people. I haven't been craving silence and downtime and complete solitude as fiercely and desperately as I have for so long (not that I got it when I did).
This week, M and I got a new "media PC" which is kick ass and fast. Instead of rebuilding and updating my out of date and beloved mp3 collection, I've been going through archives of pictures and uploading larger versions to Flickr, and organizing photosets. I decided I needed at least one set of portraits of people; big, little, and every flavor in between. So I started a set called Portraits, but I still have a bunch more portraits to add to it. I realized that some of my favorite shots aren't even very good technically-speaking, but I don't care.
Sometimes, I think about being a portrait photographer. But I'm not sure I want to be as disciplined as I'd need to be. Trying to get all the settings just "perfect", or *gasp* having to worry about getting the exact or optimal light conditions, might kill that joy I get from photographing people. You know, that feeling of being with someone and capturing that tiny bit of their energy, the way light seems to come from inside them.
My nephew, O. I wonder how different he'll be next time I see him. I wish I didn't miss out on being there with him and his older brother, T.
T's hands.
T's heart-wrenchingly beautiful face.
- - - -
I'm sloooowly beginning to feel less overwhelmed. Since March I have felt stretched to the absolute limit. Only these past couple of months of questioning my relationship with M, my health, my life in general, returning to the basic BASICS has made me feel a little more like me again. Maybe parts of me, those parts of me that absorbed like cool water into dry old rock, maybe they are coming back up to the surface. Or maybe there's a crack, a fissure of light.
My J-girl, solemn and wrapped in white after a bubble bath at our girls sleepover on Valentine's Day.
And here's J-girl's sister, L, a year ago on Labor Day at Boston Common.
Tomorrow is her 4th birthday party. She's changed so much in a year, it's hard to fathom. I can hardly wait to see her.
But, even with all that little people cuteness up there... this is my new favorite picture: